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Oracle is the #1 Database

根据Gartner 5月24日公布的市场调查数据,Oracle在2005年以48.6%的市场占有率继续居于关系数据库市场首位,各大厂商的依次排名为:

Worldwide 2005 Vendor Revenue Estimates from RDBMS Software, Based on Total Software Revenue (Millions of Dollars)

Company 2005 2005 Market Share (%) 2004 2004 Market Share (%) 2004-2005 Growth (%)
Oracle 6,721.1 48.6 6,234.1 48.9 7.8
IBM 3,040.7 22.0 2,860.4 22.4 6.3
Microsoft 2,073.2 15.0 1,777.9 13.9 16.6
Teradata 440.7 3.2 412.1 3.2 6.9
Sybase 407.0 2.9 382.8 3.0 6.3
Other Vendors 1,134.7 8.2 1,090.4 8.5 4.1
Total 13,817.4 100.0 12,757.8 100.0 8.3

Source: Gartner Dataquest (May 2006)



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By eygle on 2006-06-05 10:12 | Comments (0) | OraNews | 786 |

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