Study from spam
Date:January 17, 2006
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Since I have installed "MT Scode 1" plugin, I have almost rejected spam comments successfully. However, spam trackbacks make me angry.
I have to delete hundreds of spam trackbacks every day. But wait ,at the same time, I can learn something from spam trackbacks,too.
It seems some sentences is are organized well:
1.Very nice site. Please keep updating it.
If this is a true admiration,I will be appreciated for it.
2.You're site is very helpful.
I am very glad to hear this.
3.awesome stuff! thanks for all the information.
studiedlearned the word "awesome" here.thanks.
4.i really appreciate what you're doing here. very interesting site.
Thanks a lot. have a very talented and skilled writting. i had a great time reading your comments.
Maybe he should say "articles" not comments.
6.Very original content. I really like your site.
Yes,this is my original content site.I am
prideproud of it.
7.It's the first time i ran through your site and I found it very informative and interesting.
"Informative and interesting"
8.Hi. Just letting you know that I enjoyed your site.
Maybe tense
iserror ? (no error ,julia said)
9.Your site is exactly the kind of sites which make the net surfing so fun.
A good sentence with typic grammer structure
10.Interesting site, and very organized too. Good work.
I always try me best (very cool here ,julia said ) to make my site "organized".
11.brilliant site! happy to be here.
I'm happy too.
12.It was fun visiting here. Wishing you a great day!
I wish everyone
havehad a great day.
13.It's been a long time since I so enjoyed reading posts in the net. Two thumbs up!
Two thumbs up!
Posted by eygle at January 17, 2006 9:58 PM
He is more myself than I am (1) January 5, 2006
Google is My best friend (5) January 4, 2006
When To stop Blogging? (2) January 11, 2006
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